Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Keeping Your Bulldog Healthy

When it comes to keeping your Bulldog healthy, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. A nutritious diet and just the right amount of exercise is at the top of the list. Bulldogs only require a moderate exercise routine since they do over heat very easily but they still need a daily walk.

You want to be sure and check food labels before you give them to your bulldog. Without knowing it you could be feeding him or her a bunch of uneccesary filler that lacks all nutritional benefits needed to keep healthy. This could also lead to dog obesity which can lead to bigger problems down the road. When your dog isn't getting the proper amount of vitamins, minerals and proteins they tend to be more hungry more often and that's exactly what you don't want. Consult your vet if you are having trouble figuring out the right diet for your Bulldog.

Always pay attention to their behavior and their bodies. This is a great way of making sure your dog is in good health, every week! If anything is out of the norm, a bump, rash, odd behavior or anything else that is out of the ordinary you can take them to the vet right away and fix the problem. I always run my hands around their legs, stomach, back, neck and check the ears once a week just to make sure everything looks good.

Having a regular vet that you take your bulldog to is a really smart idea, this way your dog won't be so traumatized everytime they go to the vet, even for a nail trim. They will gain some sort of familiarity with them and that makes everything easier on all of us, especially the pooch.